- basic studies
- фундаментальные исследования
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
Basic writing — Basic writing, or developmental writing, is a discipline of composition studies which focuses on the writing of students sometimes otherwise called remedial or underprepared , usually freshman college students. Contents 1 Defining Basic Writing 2 … Wikipedia
Basic English — Basic English, also known as Simple English, is an English based controlled language created (in essence as a simplified subset of English) by linguist and philosopher Charles Kay Ogden as an international auxiliary language, and as an aid for… … Wikipedia
Basic Education — bzw. Nai Talim ist ein 1937 von Mahatma Gandhi entworfenes pädagogisches Konzept,[1] das mit Grundbildung für alle übersetzt werden kann. Das Konzept gründete in seinen Erfahrungen mit dem britischen Bildungssystem. Er sah die indischen Kinder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Basic education — refers to the whole range of educational activities taking place in various settings (formal, non formal and informal), that aim to meet basic learning needs. According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), basic… … Wikipedia
Basic Chess Endings — is a book on chess endgames which was written by Reuben Fine and originally published in 1941. It is considered the first systematic book on the endgame phase of the game of chess. It is the best known endgame book in English and is a classic… … Wikipedia
Basic English — n. [B(ritish), A(merican), S(cientific), I(nternational), C(ommercial)] a simplified form of the English language, devised around 1930 by Brit. linguist and writer C. K. Ogden (1889 1957), and proposed for use as an international auxiliary… … English World dictionary
Basic income — A basic income is a proposed system of social security, that periodically provides each citizen with a sum of money that is sufficient to live on. Except for citizenship, a basic income is entirely unconditional. Furthermore, there is no means… … Wikipedia
Basic structure — The basic structure doctrine is the judge made principle that certain features of the Constitution of India are beyond the limit of the powers of amendment of the Indian parliament[1]. The doctrine, which was first expressed by the Indian Supreme … Wikipedia
Basic Income Earth Network — The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN; until 2004 Basic Income European Network) is a network of academics and activists interested in the idea of a universal basic income, i.e. a guaranteed minimum income based solely on citizenship and not on… … Wikipedia
Basic Income Earth Network — Logo (BIEN/Earth) Das Basic Income Earth Network (Abk.: BIEN, zu deutsch: Weltweites Netzwerk Grundeinkommen) ist ein Netzwerk von Akademikern und Aktivisten, welche die Idee eines universellen Grundeinkommens unterstützen, verbreiten und darüber … Deutsch Wikipedia
Basic science (psychology) — Psychology … Wikipedia